Comedy Movie Blogs

The roundup of film reviews provides a map, helping you navigate the variety of film choices highlight standout performances and captivating stories, (click now to visit clips) as well as the cultural impact of each film, making it easier to make informed decisions that will lead you to unforgettable movies.Acting PerformancesPredator Movies Ranked

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Escape From the Planet of the Apes Movie Review

The third movie in the Planet of the Apes series, and the only one made with sequels actually in mind, Escape takes the apes out of the familiar dystopian (blog post) future and into our own past. Well, at the time of the film's release it was still the future, but how has time treated this well recieved classic in science fiction?Source: Escape Fr

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Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Movie Review

While reviewing the Holiday Special was fun, I don't think it would make sense to postpone this one further by delving into SNL skits for 20 minutes... So let's take a look at Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back! Which it movie reviews seems likely a hell of a lot of (blog post) people are going to be doing, due to recent circumstances...Source: Sta

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